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Climate Fieldview | A Farmer's Journey

A Farmer's Journey is an award-winning series that celebrates the stories of real American farmers and their fight to put food on our tables. Each year, a new farmer is featured and their highs and lows are meticulously documented throughout the changing seasons, all brought to life in a captivating four-part documentary-style format. Through this deeply immersive storytelling, "A Farmer's Journey" offers a window into the profound dedication, resilience, and relentless spirit of these unsung heroes, who work tirelessly to nourish our nation and preserve the essence of farming as a way of life in America.
A tractor harvests wheat at sunrise.

Strategy & Execution

The primary objective of the A Farmer's Journey initiative is to enhance brand recognition through the art of long-form storytelling. This serialized program is strategically distributed on both Meta and YouTube, with the core intent of sustaining viewership and fostering positive responses among the audience. Given the emphasis on storytelling within this series, our primary aim was to connect with audiences who possessed a genuine interest in viewing the episodes in their entirety. To effectively reach our target demographic, which comprises diverse groups of farmers, we leveraged behavioral and location-based targeting techniques. Our ultimate goal with this series was to curate and circulate content that could elicit passionate responses, ultimately transforming our viewers into enthusiastic advocates for the Climate FieldView brand.

Campaign Objectives

Build Trust & Credibility: Establish a positive brand reputation, foster customer loyalty, and ultimately drive business success.
Increase Brand Awareness: Boost brand awareness and recognition for Climate Fieldview
A high angle shot of a farm.

The Results

Paid Views
Total Minutes Watched
Coolfire Studios
The Results

The Farmer's Journey campaigns performed well in achieving its objectives of enhancing brand recognition and fostering positive responses. The series consistently cultivated an expanding and eager audience base, leaving viewers eager for more episodes. The remarkable engagement metrics, such as a robust PVR, cost­efficient CPV, and substantial audience retention, serve as compelling evidence of this achievement.

Fieldview | A Farmers Journey
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